0000 - How late can your period be after taking Plan B0039 - Why is my period late after taking Plan BLaura S. Your first period after taking Plan B could be somewhat lighter or heavier than is.
How Late Can Your Period Be After Taking Plan B 18 Things To Consider
In the first study women experienced their period sooner than expected when they took 15mg levonorgestrel in the first three weeks of their monthly cycle.

Late period after plan b. Researchers have found that Next Choice Plan B and other progestin-only pills can affect your bleeding patterns according to three studies. Menstrual flow changes spotting bleeding early or late period nausea vomiting dizziness fatigue headache breast tenderness. Your period depends on your ovulation it comes about 14 days after it.
It can also cause your period to start up to a week earlier or a week later than you would otherwise expect. Other times it may be delayed by a week or more. You only have 3 days72 hours in which it may help.
If youre already ovulating then it cant do that. Women who took Plan B. You may feel very hormonal for a couple of weeks after using Plan B.
Yes after taking Plan B I actually ended up bleeding fully two and a half weeks after taking it. Sometimes youll bleed sometimes you wont. While youre waiting for your next period abstain from having unprotected intercourse or make sure to use a.
Could I be pregnant. Women who took Plan B within 1-2 days before or after ovulation started their periods when they expected them. Plan B can work in one of three ways depending on where you are in your cycle.
Your next period might be early or late. If your period is over a week late after youve taken Plan B theres a chance that you may. For this reason there is always a risk of pregnancy.
Even if that wasnt the case Plan B works by delaying your ovulation until the sperm leaves your body. For some women it takes two or three months for their menstrual cycle to get back on track. Women who took an emergency contraceptive more than two days before ovulation got their period at least one day earlier.
Its Ella that can be effective up to 5 days120 hours later. Because youve created that imbalance and the internal confusion your period could easily be delayed after you take Plan B. Your cycle should also go back to normal soon.
My next period was due November 7th but hasnt come i am now 7 days late and im usually on time if not its only 1-2 days different. I had un protected sex the day after my period ended in october and then again maybe the 18th of November. Notify dr if your period is 7 or.
A study comparing levonorgestrel like Plan B One-Step Next Choice One Dose Next Choice or Levonorgestrel Tablets and ulipristal acetate ella found that women taking ulipristal acetate had their next period on average 21 days later than expected while women taking levonorgestrel began their next period 12 days earlier than expected but the duration of periods was not affected. Harris 2021 April 6 How late can your. The aim of the morning after pill is to hinder pregnancy however it has no action once the ovum has been implanted in the uterus.
It is common that your next period will come up to a week or two late that before that you might get irregular bleeding which may even be heavy or could be just a brown discharge or spotting. I took it during the time I was ovulating and the day I got my period after taking Plan B was three days earlier than I. I took Plan B about 8 weeks ago and my period came Oct 7th 2017 and lasted 6 days.
Take pregnancy test. So to recap - Can Plan B bring on your period late or early. After youve taken Plan B you should get your next period at the expected time or a few days early or late.
Late period after plan B No method 100 effective. Potential side effects w emergency contraception include. Anecdotally some people have noticed acne breakouts after taking Plan B though its not in the official list of side effects.
Abdominal pain or cramps. Plan B prevents pregnancy by postponing ovulation so if you took Plan B before you ovulated your ovulation was probably late and therefore your period as well. It can prevent or delay ovulation can interfere with the fertilization of the egg or may prevent implantation by altering the lining of the uterus.
The Plan B you took was too late. Most of the changes caused by emergency contraceptives like Plan B do not persist beyond one menstrual cycle. Sometimes its just delayed by a few days.
If you take Plan B One-Step within 24 hours it is about 95 effective. You may experience spotting a few days after taking Plan B but this is not your period.
Activities like speed walking and jogging are useful in prevention of bloating and pain but strenuous activities and activities involving water like swinging are not recommended. Be considerate and respect her feelings.
This Girl Told Guys On Tinder She Was On Her Period To See What Their Reactions Would Be
This isnt the right way to talk to a woman at all leave aside talking like this when a girl is on her periods.

How to deal with a girlfriend on her period. So heres what you can do to make your girlfriends period week a bit more manageable for both you and her. Know her cycle. If she doesnt already have some go to a drugstore and pick up a bottle of her preferred pain reliever.
Simply thinking My girlfriend is on her period will not do. They should tell himher how they felt catching their kid in the act and emphasize how they have abused their trust. With that said its best to keep the conversation light and soothing At least until shes done with her period.
Its important to address the issue of trust so the sondaughter could understand the severity of losing something as important as their parents trust. Will be there in 10 with chocolates Chinese food and your favourite movie. Give her ibuprofen or aspirin.
1The father or mother has to confront their kid. Have her sit down and give her a massage or give her a warm hug. Blaming one another is.
Never bring up the fact that shes on her period. Anything that might elicit the slightest hint of annoyance might turn into full-blown anger when shes already battling her hormones. What Text Messages To Send To A Girl On Her Period You are the most beautiful girl Ive ever known.
Have one on hand just in case it helps her rest easier. Do as much work on her behalf as you can do so that she can get some much needed physical and mental rest. Women can experience painful cramps while theyre on their period and ibuprofen or aspirin can help reduce the discomfort.
If youre worried for her sake then translate that worry into words. If you can get a general idea of when she is ovulating or bleeding you can more skillfully. If you have a cleaning cloth a spare pair of jeans or skirt etc you can offer those as well.
Take the dog out for a walk go ahead and make the payment on your pending bills or even postpone social gatherings whatever it takes to. My thoughts and prayers are with you every second sweetheart. Help her relax by offering to run her a bath give her a massage or make her some herbal tea.
Shes probably not going to feel like doing anything strenuous so help her out with any chores or errands that need doing. Motivate her to exercise from the second or third day of the period. Instead what you can expect is that she gets better and better at being respectful around you trying her hardest to be on her best behavior and not become too annoyed or irritable leading up to her period and during the first few days of her period.
The curse of the period is that at least once in a females lifetime the period is going to create a stain. The best way to deal with your girlfriend on her period is to get her to take responsibility for her behaviorOver time she has to learn to get better and b. I love you through thick and thin during ups and downs and forever and beyond.
If your partner gets particularly bad cramps or lower back pain during her period it can feel soothing to have a hot water bottle resting against her most painful areas. When your girlfriend is in her premenstrual stage things can get a little stressful for both of you but try to help her relax and be compassionate until she feels better. You should help your girlfriend on her period move around and get some exercise for the purpose of releasing endorphins that prevent menstruation cramps.
Before you decide to ruffle her feathers with a slip-up of this category do take a minute to re-evaluate the situation. If she wants to rest. Work constructively and sensitively to resolve the situation always.
If you see a stain gently take them aside and let them know what youve seen and offer to help. Never tell her talk to me only when you period is over angrily. Dont drop any surprises Your girlfriend is bound to be a bit moody at the very least and possibly depressed or anxious so the last thing you want do is spring any kind of surprise on her.
Even a comforting arm rub might make her. The parents should present a united front for the kids. Ask her about the timing of her cycle though not when she is actually menstruating.
I mean period or no period who would ever turn down a big plate of dark chocolate and cinnamon toast. Let her rest. Whether youre a guy wondering about what to text a girl on her period or a girl looking for some comfort these sweet text messages definitely ease a girls mind when shes going through that monthly bout of pain.
Remember it is a normal natural phenomenon of life not a disease. Exercise helps to alleviate pain. Bring her a hot water bottle.
Early miscarriages which happen within the first few weeks of pregnancy will look and feel a lot like a regular period. This is my chart for the 3 weeks after my miscarriage - although I had EWCM I did not ovulate and my period came 3 weeks after the miscarriage.
Period After Miscarriage Symptoms And Timeframe
The length of time it takes will depend on how regular your periods were before your pregnancy.

When will i get my period after miscarriage. When will you get your first period after you have a miscarriage. When will I get a proper period. Usually one expects to have the first cycle after a miscarriage 2-6 weeks after.
The first period after a pregnancy loss may be different from a. However it can take several months for the menstrual cycle to return to how it. Has anyone had a period after a miscarriage and how long did it take to come.
Hi ladies I miscarried our baby last Wed via surgical management. If you do wait for your period to return then you may have a better idea of where you are in your cycle. Then my third cycle was 10 days late and now Im back to a normal for me 28 day cycle except now I spot for 3-5 days before which never used to happen and I get severe cramps and morning sickness-like nausea.
My cycle is usually 24-25 days long but now it is 31 days since I started losing. I got pregnant right after that and had a positive pregnancy test at 4 days before my next period. Because of this some FAMs typically recommend abstaining from intercourse until after the first menses if the goal is to avoid pregnancy.
While one study found ovulation occurred on average 50 days post-miscarriage some of these women recorded ovulation after just 10 days. My first two cycles after my miscarriage were right back to normal except the cramps were much worse. Interestingly your body treats a miscarriage as a period which is the reason that in a 28-day cycle you are probably going to ovulate 14 days after your miscarriage.
The cessation of the bleed is generally an indication that the hCG levels have returned to zero. If you had a miscarriage in the initial pregnancy phase the periods would return in around four weeks. Usually the longer a pregnancy has advanced the.
Some women do not experience any delay in the return of normal menstrual cycles. As with abortion miscarriage often may delay your first period afterward due to the increased levels of hormones in your system from pregnancy. Miscarriage also known as pregnancy loss is the spontaneous loss of a fetus before 20 weeks.
I feel I need to be pregnant again. I was bleeding for 17 days. When will my periods return after a miscarriage.
Your body will still think its pregnant until your hCG levels are gone. In these cases ovulation may occur as early as two weeks after a miscarriage. Your ovaries are likely to produce an egg about a couple of weeks after your miscarriage which means you are going to experience your first period in 4-6 weeks after your miscarriage.
I had a miscarriage at 4 weeks on November 23rd. Jeff Livingston answered 22 years experience Obstetrics and Gynecology 2-5 weeks. Many women can expect their first period four to six weeks after a miscarriage.
I know its different for everyone but what was your personal experiences with regards to your first period and cycles returning after miscarriage. After a miscarriage your body expels the contents of your uterus. Its possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage and before you have a period.
This week I had a tiny amount of spotting only a couple of days then it went away. Your period after a miscarriage also depends on the duration of your pregnancy. How long after a miscarriage will it take for me to get a period once my hcg is at 0.
But if you were into your second trimester it could take two to three months for your period to return. I thought that my period was starting but it has stopped again. Ovulation May Take a Few Months.
Your first period will generally return within four weeks of your hCG levels returning to zero. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks for your periods to return after a miscarriage although it can take longer to settle into a regular cycle. Your body will typically experience a slow bleed for up to a week following the miscarriage or procedure.
Can you get a period if your still showing positive PG Test. The exact timing can vary by several weeks however depending on when your hCG levels return to zero. After a miscarriage the menstrual cycle restarts and many women will have their first period 46 weeks later.
Our babies heart stopped beating at approximately 8 weeks. I miscarried at 11 weeks and I had my period exactly 4 weeks later.
It provides protection after two days. Today there are a variety of regimens available such as 24 days of active-ingredient pills and 4 days of placebo and extended-cycle regimens that can be taken for up to a year to stop all menstrual bleeding.
6 Common Reasons For Lighter Periods Than Normal
Combination pill packs usually come with 21 days of active pills and 7 days of inactive pills or 24 days of active pills and 4 days of inactive pills.

How late can a period be on birth control. In this case you should take the missed pill immediately and also the pill that you should normally take that day. It means that you will take two pills that day. Some women experience light but irregular bleeding.
Your cycle is hormonally regulated while youre on birth control so you should see Bloody Mary every 28 days. If youve forgotten to take three or more non-placebo pills you could experience. Missing two or more days of pills in a row increases the likelihood of becoming.
If six weeks passes and a woman does not have a period or menstrual cycle its considered a missed period or amenorrhea. Youll probably be getting your period every 28 days but even after your body has gotten used to the pill you can still experience late periods on birth control. This is not abnormal or dangerous although it is a little anxiety-producing.
This regulates your menstrual cycle by. It can take a few months for your menstrual cycle to return to normal. Keep in mind that your birth control only works effectively if you take it correctly.
If you dont have any known condition affecting your menstrual cycle your period should start within 30 days of the start of your last period. When it comes to periods every woman is different. A period is officially considered late if its been.
In one study as many as 20 of women had no period on birth control pills of this variety. Your menstrual cycle is hormonally regulated while on the pill and you should get some type of bleeding about every 28 days. Start at any time.
Most periods last between three and five days but a period anywhere between three and seven days long is also considered normal. A period is considered late if it hasnt started within seven days of when you expect it. Often women will have a late period on birth control and not a missed period.
A person on one of these pills can expect a period about every 28 days. Most women have periods that last around three to five days each month. But if you havent had a period after three months of stopping the pill you should book a doctors appointment.
In general birth control pills affect the production of hormones associated with menstruation ovulation. Some women miss periods while on hormonal birth control even when they are not pregnant. Start within the first five days of period for immediate protection.
The 7 days of placebo were designed to allow menstruation to occur. But a period that lasts. However if you go two or more months in a row without a period or you miss your period after a month where you did not use all of your pills correctly or you have symptoms associated with pregnancy such as morning sickness or.
More Than 12 Hours Late. Most pregnancy tests will be able to give you accurate results by the time your period is late. Use this information to keep track of when your period is.
The problem may appear if you are more than 12 hours late taking birth control pill. If you start a combination pill mid-cycle youll receive pregnancy protection after seven days. The birth control pill birth regulates the menstrual cycle.
Combination birth control pills. A period that happens anytime of the month and is very unpredictable is considered irregular. About 10-20 of people experience very light or no period after their sixth pill pack while 10 of people do not experience any withdrawal bleed.
In many cases women will get back their normal periods for about 3 months afterwards. Most commonly women will have very light but regular bleeding which should regulate after the first two months of treatment. Most types of pill work in 4-week cycles.
Having missed a period on birth control or not does not always mean a woman is pregnant. Reasons for a late period. Its normal for your period to be lighter and shorter than usual especially if youve been on birth control for a while.
A period that starts between one and four days earlier or later than expected is considered normal. Progestin-only birth control pills mini pill. If its only a few days theres probably nothing to worry about.
Therefore your body may need several months to restore your normal condition in producing these hormones.
This may not be due to infection. In most cases the color change relates to how long the blood has been in the uterus.
Understand What The Color Of Your Period Is Telling You Momotaro Apotheca
Having orange period blood may be due to menstrual blood mixing with cervical fluid.

Orange period blood mean pregnancy. There are no clear reasons as to why this has occurred so it is advisable to see a doctor or nurse as soon as possible. Sometimes the bright orange blood you are seeing could indicate an infection. Orange Period Blood.
When blood mixes with cervical fluid it may also appear orange. If you have noticed different colors in your period blood its usually normal. Bright orange period blood can also be a sign of infection though.
Easily getting exhausted even after a normal activity Frequently feeling a dizziness Skin turning pale and feeling weak Pale fingernails Irregularity in the periods. Different colors of period blood have different significance for your health. What does orange period blood mean.
Heres a guide to determine what they could mean for your health. It may last from a few hours up to several days. Possible infection Bright red blood mixed with cervical fluid can appear an almost orange color with red flecks or look a bit rusty in color.
So for me anyway the bleeding is unrelated to how the pregnancy is progressing and seems to come from my cervix. Orange blood is also associated with implantation spotting. What Does Orange Period Blood Mean.
Your period blood may have an orangish tint when it mixes with the cervical fluid. Orange period blood like pink period blood is usually the result of period blood mixing with your cervical fluid lightening the color of your. Cervical mucus is most abundant mid-cycle when you are ovulating.
This pregnancy I had bleeding from week 6 to 7 for 9 days. It may also look like a consistent light flow of blood that needs a light pad or panty liner. There is however one major deficiency that causes womens menstrual cycles to be affected and this is a lack of iron a condition more commonly known as anaemia.
Period blood that looks orange or a light amber color could happen for the same reasons as pink or light brown vaginal spotting. What kind of infection can orange period blood mean Answered by Dr. In some cases the bright red blood occurring during period will mix with cervical fluid thereby changing the appearance to orange period.
Baby was scanned at 6 weeks - all well 9 weeks - all well 12 weeks 4 days - all well I am nearly 14 weeks now and no more bleeding since that early episode. While this shade can mean that period blood has mixed with cervical fluid it can also be an indication of an infection like Bacterial Vaginosis so keep an eye out for any signs that accompany this shade such as itching or a bad odour. Due to the lack of iron circulating in the blood you may experience.
As a result you may see orange discharge for. Orange period blood can also occur along with some other symptoms such as. Hi there are 2 possibilities 1- mixing the period blood with discharge from ur cervix 2- infection plz see ur MD for pelvic exam.
But it could also be implantation spotting says Healthline which typically happens 10 to 14 days after conception. The blood has mixed with your cervical fluid. Orange period blood rusty.
However if it had a different texture or smell it may be an STD or STI symptom. Implantation bleeding looks like light spotting that appears when you wipe. There are usually no clots in implantation bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy.
You must visit you doctor as soon as possible. The only exception is an orange or yellow tinge that may signal infection or a flow so heavy that it appears black for more than a day a signal of excessive bleeding. The consistency of cervical mucus before the period.
Healthy period blood typically varies from bright red to dark brown or black. The blood may look orange pink or brown. Healthline says orange period blood can also mean the same thing as bright pink period blood.
Blood or discharge that is orange or grey may indicate an infection. If it keeps up see.
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- levels
- lice
- life
- lift
- ligation
- light
- lightest
- like
- lingerie
- lips
- list
- listening
- literature
- little
- lobster
- lock
- locks
- loin
- long
- look
- looks
- loompa
- lose
- losing
- loss
- lost
- lotion
- lotions
- love
- lower
- luck
- lullaby
- lulu
- lump
- lying
- lyme
- mache
- machine
- magestic
- magnetic
- majestic
- make
- maker
- makeup
- making
- male
- males
- manual
- many
- mardi
- mardis
- mark
- marks
- married
- mask
- massage
- maternity
- math
- maxi
- mccarthy
- meal
- mean
- meaning
- meatballs
- medela
- medicine
- medicines
- meijer
- meningitis
- menstrual
- meringue
- mermaid
- mesh
- messages
- messenger
- mexican
- miami
- michaels
- mickey
- micro
- microcephaly
- microwave
- middle
- mila
- mileage
- milestones
- milk
- minivan
- minnie
- minute
- miracle
- miralax
- mirena
- miscarriage
- miscarried
- mobile
- model
- modeling
- modesto
- moisturizer
- moldy
- molested
- mommy
- moms
- monitor
- monitors
- monofin
- monster
- month
- months
- morgan
- mosquito
- most
- mother
- mothers
- motor
- motrin
- mouse
- mouth
- movement
- movements
- movie
- movies
- moving
- much
- mucinex
- mucus
- multiplayer
- multiple
- munchkin
- museum
- music
- musical
- must
- myoclonus
- nachos
- nail
- name
- names
- nanny
- naples
- nasal
- nation
- native
- natural
- naturally
- naturals
- nausea
- nautical
- navy
- nebulizer
- neck
- necklace
- need
- needs
- negative
- neonatal
- nestle
- newborn
- newly
- night
- nine
- ninos
- noise
- noodle
- noodles
- nose
- notes
- nursery
- nurses
- nursing
- nutramigen
- oatmeal
- october
- odor
- offenders
- office
- oils
- older
- olds
- onesie
- onesies
- online
- oompa
- orajel
- orange
- oreo
- organic
- organizer
- origin
- orleans
- ornaments
- osprey
- ounce
- outback
- outfit
- outfits
- ovary
- over
- ovulate
- ovulating
- ovulation
- pack
- package
- pads
- pages
- pain
- paint
- pajamas
- palpitations
- pampers
- panini
- paninis
- pants
- paper
- papers
- parent
- parenthood
- parents
- park
- parks
- parmesan
- part
- parties
- party
- passes
- pasta
- patch
- patrick
- patrol
- patty
- pcos
- peach
- peaches
- peanut
- peanuts
- pediatrics
- pelvic
- people
- pepper
- period
- periods
- personalized
- philadelphia
- phone
- photo
- photos
- pics
- picture
- pictures
- piece
- pierce
- piercing
- piercings
- piggle
- piggy
- pill
- pillow
- pillows
- pills
- pillsbury
- pimples
- pineapple
- pink
- pinto
- pipe
- pizza
- place
- places
- plan
- plane
- plastic
- play
- playdate
- plus
- pockets
- poco
- poison
- pokemon
- polly
- pony
- pool
- pooping
- poppers
- popular
- pork
- portable
- portland
- position
- positive
- poster
- postpartum
- potato
- potatoes
- potty
- pouch
- pound
- pounds
- powder
- prediction
- predictor
- pregnancy
- pregnant
- premature
- prenatal
- prenatals
- preschool
- preschoolers
- present
- pressure
- prevent
- price
- prices
- prilosec
- princess
- printable
- prinze
- problems
- program
- programs
- projector
- prolapsed
- proof
- proofing
- pros
- protein
- provider
- puberty
- pull
- pulse
- pump
- pumpkin
- pumpkins
- pumps
- puree
- purse
- push
- queen
- questions
- quiz
- quotes
- race
- rail
- rails
- rainbow
- raising
- rash
- rate
- rates
- rattles
- reactive
- read
- reading
- real
- realistic
- reasons
- rebellious
- reborn
- recall
- recipe
- recipes
- reclining
- redness
- reflux
- regression
- relations
- relief
- relish
- remedies
- remote
- removal
- remove
- reoccuring
- repellent
- reports
- republic
- resemble
- resolutions
- resorts
- restaurants
- results
- reunion
- reveal
- revealing
- review
- reviews
- rhyme
- ribbon
- rice
- ride
- right
- ring
- rite
- ritzy
- roast
- roberta
- robes
- rock
- rocker
- roles
- roll
- roller
- rolls
- romance
- room
- rooms
- rotisserie
- round
- rubber
- ruby
- rugs
- rule
- running
- runny
- sacks
- safe
- safety
- sailor
- salad
- sale
- sales
- saline
- salmon
- salmonella
- same
- santa
- sauce
- sausage
- save
- saver
- scary
- scavenger
- schedule
- science
- sean
- season
- seat
- seats
- second
- section
- self
- sell
- selling
- sentences
- separation
- sets
- sexual
- shades
- shakes
- shampoo
- shape
- share
- sheets
- shell
- shells
- shield
- shirt
- shirts
- shoe
- shoelaces
- shoes
- shoot
- shopping
- shortcake
- shorts
- shot
- should
- shower
- showers
- side
- sign
- signs
- similac
- simple
- sing
- single
- sister
- sitting
- size
- sizes
- skeleton
- skin
- skip
- sleds
- sleep
- sleeper
- sleepers
- sleeping
- sling
- slings
- slow
- small
- smart
- smartphones
- smear
- snacks
- snapchat
- snow
- snowsuits
- soap
- soccer
- socks
- soft
- something
- songs
- soothing
- sore
- sound
- soup
- sour
- space
- spaces
- spanish
- special
- speech
- spot
- spotting
- sprouts
- squash
- stacking
- stage
- stages
- stand
- star
- starbucks
- start
- started
- state
- stationary
- steak
- step2
- stepchild
- steps
- stew
- stewart
- still
- sting
- stlouis
- stocking
- stomach
- stool
- stools
- stop
- stopping
- stories
- story
- storybook
- stove
- strap
- straps
- strawberry
- street
- strengthen
- stretch
- strips
- stroller
- strollers
- students
- study
- stuff
- stuffed
- stuffer
- stuffers
- style
- success
- sugar
- suit
- suitcases
- suits
- summer
- sunburn
- supplements
- supplies
- support
- supportive
- surgery
- surgical
- surprise
- surrogate
- surrogates
- swaddle
- swallowing
- sweet
- swim
- swimmable
- swimmers
- swimming
- swimsuit
- swimwear
- swing
- switch
- symbols
- symptom
- symptoms
- syndrome
- table
- tail
- tails
- take
- taking
- talented
- talk
- talking
- tall
- tamales
- tantrum
- tara
- target
- teach
- teachers
- teaching
- team
- teen
- teenage
- teenager
- teenagers
- teens
- teeth
- teething
- tell
- templates
- tenderness
- tens
- teriyaki
- test
- texas
- thai
- thank
- that
- their
- theme
- themed
- themes
- thigh
- things
- third
- this
- thomas
- three
- threw
- through
- throwing
- tied
- tier
- tight
- time
- tiny
- tips
- tissue
- title
- toast
- today
- toddler
- toddlers
- tofu
- toilet
- toilets
- tone
- tongue
- tonka
- tonsil
- tooth
- toys
- track
- train
- trainer
- training
- trampoline
- transverse
- trash
- travel
- tray
- treat
- treating
- treatment
- tree
- trek
- tribeca
- trick
- trimester
- truck
- true
- tubal
- tube
- tubes
- tuesdays
- tummy
- tums
- turkey
- turtle
- twice
- twin
- twinges
- twins
- tylenol
- types
- ultra
- ultrasound
- ultrasounds
- umbrella
- uncharted
- under
- underwear
- unique
- unisex
- unit
- urbini
- used
- using
- uterus
- vacation
- vacations
- vaginal
- valentine
- valentines
- vanilla
- vape
- varicose
- veins
- venues
- vera
- vest
- vests
- vicks
- video
- videos
- vinegar
- viral
- virgin
- viruses
- visit
- vitamin
- vitamins
- vivid
- vocabulary
- volunteering
- vomiting
- waist
- walgreens
- walk
- walker
- walkers
- walking
- wall
- wallpaper
- walmart
- walnut
- want
- warm
- warning
- warrior
- wars
- wash
- watch
- water
- wealth
- weaning
- wear
- weddings
- week
- weekend
- weeks
- weigh
- weight
- weighted
- weird
- what
- whats
- wheat
- wheel
- wheels
- when
- where
- while
- white
- whitening
- whole
- wide
- wife
- wiggle
- will
- windmills
- winning
- winter
- wipes
- wisdom
- with
- without
- woman
- women
- wood
- wooden
- word
- words
- work
- working
- workout
- world
- worse
- wrap
- wraps
- write
- xbox
- yankee
- yard
- year
- years
- yoga
- yogurt
- yoni
- young
- your
- zippers
- zyrtec